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It's the Systems!

May 03, 2017

Here's a piece of management wisdom that might really help one day: if you have a frustration that keeps coming back, it means you either have a broken system, or need a system to address the issue.

Successful organizations have repeatable, defined processes that detail how a certain function is to be handled. Each time. If a company has to "figure out" how to handle something more than once, there's no system in place. It's an inefficient use of resources. Chances are they'll have to figure it out again, and maybe again.

This issue is exacerbated in the case of employee turnover. It's vital to have documented processes that define "how we do it here." That's how companies get out of their own way and pave the path to growth.

Too often, small companies are small because they act like small companies. Those that develop systems are much more likely to become big companies.

Here's a humorous example of a company with poor systems. The right hand clearly doesn't know what the left hand is doing, to the detriment of their customer experience. Click to view.

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