


Today's Word "platitude"

A thought or remark that is banal on

Published in Vocabulary

platitude \PLAT-uh-tood; -tyood\ (noun) - 1 : Staleness of ideas or language; triteness. 2 : A thought or remark that is banal, trite, or stale.

"When a platitude they have blindly upheld seems about to betray them they fall on it and tear it to pieces. This is because a platitude is kept alive blindly and it must be destroyed blindly." -- Ben Hecht, 'Gargoyles'


latitude derives from French plat, "flat." It is related to plate, a flat piece of metal or a flat dish in which food is served or from which it is eaten; and plateau, a broad, level, elevated area of land. The adjective form of platitude is platitudinous.


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