Gadgets: Make food last longer in your fridge
Published in Science & Technology News
It's nice to write about a gadget that will save you money, but how much depends on the user. I'm referring to the Shelfy, a compact device (6.6 by 4.5 by 2.6 inches) you place in your refrigerator. It extends the life of fruits and veggies by eliminating bacteria and breaking down pollutants that accelerate ripening.
A company representative wrote in an email that she tested it and "can personally vouch for the fact that I have seen a notable difference in food shelf life, especially with fruits and vegetables." The Shelfy is said to extend the life of fruits and vegetables up to 12 days. And remember, with bad food comes bad odors. The Shelfy will remove 80% of the odors by preventing mold and unpleasant odors.
The email also stated: The world wastes about 2.5 billion tons of food every year, and the United States is the leader, discarding more food than any other country. This adds up to an approximate value of nearly $218 billion—the equivalent of 130 billion meals wasted annually in America.
Me: I'm, without a doubt, part of the problem. My wife and I buy fruit and vegetables weekly, and often, they are untouched and get trashed. So, for my testing, I purchased some fruit and vegetables and didn't eat them. I just waited for them to go bad. As is normal, the first to start to go bad in about six days was a tub of spring mix lettuce, followed closely by strawberries.
Then I went to the store and bought the exact same amount of fruit and vegetables and placed them in the same place in my refrigerator—except this time, I put the Shelfy on the same shelf. On day six, everything looked fine. On day 10, I used the lettuce, and it was fine. On day 12, I finished the lettuce. I was convinced.
Shelfy's parent company, Vitesy, is an Italian company that produces sustainable and smart solutions to fight air pollution and food waste. I've been using the Shelfy for about a month now, and there's no doubt Vitesy is true to their word.
The Shelfy is a USB-C charging device that will need a charge after about three weeks. It is controlled with its companion app, Vitesy Hub. The app is easy to use. It walks you through connecting via Bluetooth and your home Wi-Fi. You have to set up an account, name your device, and set up your refrigerator, and you're done. Maintenance notifications will alert you when a recharge is needed and when to clean your fridge or filter.
Once your app is set up, have the Shelfy charged and put it in your refrigerator; there's not much more to do. The Shelfy's filter is part of Vitesy's zero waste policy. It doesn't have to be replaced. Instead, it snaps out and is cleaned under running water. The app even displays how many days until filter washing is needed. Other features on the app's home dashboard are the battery level, the fridge temperature if it's open, and how many days until the refrigerator needs to be cleaned.
It has three operating modes, based on your needs. Eco is ideal (my choice) for daily use, Crisper is when placed in the crisper drawer for fruit and vegetables, and Performance is designed for a temporary and intensive action. Each runs the Shelfy's fan at different speeds, starting at Crisper for the lowest, Eco in the middle, and Performance using the most fan power.
A feature in the app shows you how to become a food storage expert. It tells you about the importance of food placement and preservation in your fridge and even recommends items not to be stored in your refrigerator. When you click on a specific item, the app has storage tips on what the item should be stored in and where it should be placed.
The Shelfy is $125.99 at Amazon. The Vitesy site has special pricing if you have two refrigerators and need multiple Shelfys.
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