


Notable Birthdays for August 4


Published in History & Quotes

Those born on this date include:

- English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1792
- fashion designer Louis Vuitton in 1821
- Scottish comedian Harry Lauder in 1870
- Queen Elizabeth, mother of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, in 1900
- legendary jazz musician Louis Armstrong in 1901
- Swedish architect Raoul Wallenberg, credited with saving 100,000 Jews from the Nazis during World War II, in 1912
- longtime White House reporter Helen Thomas in 1920
- actor Richard Belzer in 1944 (age 71)
- actor Billy Bob Thornton in 1955 (age 60)
- football Hall of Fame member John Riggins in 1949 (age 66)
- actor Daniel Dae Kim in 1968 (age 47)
- race car driver Jeff Gordon in 1971 (age 44)
- U.S. President Barack Obama in 1961 (age 54).


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