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Seared Sea Scallops

Zola Gorgon on

“If we can stop people from developing MCI, we hope we can stop people from developing dementia. Once you hit the dementia stage, it’s irreversible,” says Roberts.

Among foods regarded as complex carbohydrates: rice, pasta, bread and cereals. The digestive system turns them into sugars. Fruits, vegetables and milk products are simple carbs.

Roberts says high glucose levels might affect the brain’s blood vessels and play a role in the development of beta amyloid plaques, proteins toxic to brain health that are found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s. Researchers don’t know what causes the disease, but they suspect the buildup of beta amyloid is a leading cause.

Also among the study’s findings:

Those whose diets were highest in fat (nuts, healthy oils) were 42 percent less likely to get cognitive impairment, while those who had the highest intake of protein (chicken, meat, fish) had a reduced risk of 21 percent.

Eric Westman of Duke University Health System, who is author of The New Atkins for a New You, called this “a provocative, preliminary study that suggests that we can add the loss of mental function in older age to the list of medical problems caused by excessive carbohydrate consumption. This is not proof that a low-carb diet will fix dementia, but it is a good argument for conducting studies to determine if it can.”


I hope this article gets people to think – while they still can.

With Plan Z, we recommend as you go into ZLife (after you’ve lost the weight you need to lose) that you keep your diet in a ratio of 40/40/20. That means 40 percent fat, 40 percent protein and 20 percent (or less) of carbohydrates.

Most current diets would tell you 40/40/20 also. But they mean 40 percent carbohydrates, 40 percent protein and 20 percent fat. I think that’s just plain wrong and if you absorb the information in the article I just laid out you are more likely to start drifting in my direction of thought.

My job is to get you not only to think but to understand WHY you need to change your diet and what benefit it will give you for a longer, healthier life.


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