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My Pet World: How to help a dog who panics over fireworks

Cathy M. Rosenthal, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Cathy,

I was wondering with the Fourth of July coming if you can dedicate a column to how to deal with fireworks anxiety with your pets? I had a Maltese for 14 years that had no problem with fireworks, but now I have a little 18-month-old “shichon” who’s terrified of them. I really don’t know what to do. — Monica, Deer Park, New York

Dear Monica,

Fireworks are a real stressor for some dogs and cats. Dogs who are afraid of fireworks may tremble, pant, pace, hide, freeze in place or climb things. They may urinate or defecate out of fear. In extreme cases, dogs may even try to escape through doors or crash through windows to get away from the noise that they mistakenly believe is right behind them. Sadly, there’s no remedy, but sometimes a combination of strategies can reduce their reaction to fireworks.

My favorite remedy is an Anxiety Wrap or Thundershirt, which are snug wearable products designed to comfort stressed dogs and cats. You also can search online for tutorials on “how to wrap your dog for anxiety with an ace bandage,” which provides the same effect.

Use pheromone plug-ins and sprays in the house and a pheromone collar on your dog to create a sense of calm. Start using them two weeks before the holiday. It won’t prevent your dog from reacting to the fireworks but may reduce the reaction.

Turn on a sound machine or listen to the radio or watch a movie with the volume turned up.

Sit in a walk-in closet with them during peak firework times since the hanging clothes can often provide some sound-proofing.

Add a few drops of Rescue Remedy, a flower essence that helps with anxiety, to their water dish. Look for over-the counter calming supplements or talk to your vet about medication you can give prior to a known event.

Finally, stay home with your pet if you know there will be fireworks. They will often feel safer if you are nearby.

Dear Cathy,


A year ago, we adopted a male cat who was about 2 years old years old and diagnosed with FiV, FeLV and hyperesthesia. He is given medication, but it doesn’t arrest his need to bite, scratch and claw himself. When he lays on me, I gently pet him and am careful not to overstimulate him, but out of the blue, he’ll claw and bite me. I have to move him to the floor. His eyes dilate. He makes a strange noise and will attack me. He does not do this to my husband. Do you have any idea why he does this and how this behavior can be eradicated or at least modified? — Elizabeth, Green Valley, Arizona

Dear Elizabeth,

Your cat may be experiencing petting-induced aggression, which is not really aggression at all, but a cat’s normal reaction to being overstimulated while being petted. Some cats are more sensitive than others, but hyperesthesia, a condition that can make your cat’s skin extremely sensitive, especially along the back and toward the front of the tail, may be making things worse. Talk to your vet to see if there is medication to help. In the meantime, here are a few strategies to reduce your cat’s desire to bite you.

I am going to guess you engage your cat more than your husband, and that may be the reason he lashes out at you and not him. Stop petting him on the back altogether and restrict yourself to a few finger strokes to the top of the head, behind the ears or under the chin, depending on what he will tolerate. Don’t stroke more than five times, or about half what he will normally tolerate in one sitting.

Next, increase his play time to 10 minutes at a time, two to three times a day. When overstimulation is related to boredom, play sessions can help.

Try a little counterconditioning if your cat is receptive to treats. Pet him where he tolerates it, and after each stroke, give him a treat. Repeat this several times during the day for several weeks to see if you can condition him to accept some mild petting.

Always watch for signs he has reached his threshold for touch so you can stop petting him before it’s too late. A slow flickering tail, dilated eyes and slightly flattened ears are signs he’s had enough.


(Cathy M. Rosenthal is a longtime animal advocate, author, columnist and pet expert who has more than 25 years in the animal welfare field. Send your pet questions, stories and tips to Please include your name, city, and state. You can follow her @cathymrosenthal.)

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