Family guide to new movie releases
Published in Parenting News
Rated PG for action/peril.
What it’s about: A sequel to the beloved 2016 animated film sees Moana as a more experienced wayfinder, putting together a crew for a voyage across the ocean to find and connect with more people.
The kid attractor factor: The gorgeous animation, songs and inspiring story.
Good lessons/bad lessons: Do the things that scare you, when all seems impossible, there is more than one way to get where you're going.
Violence: Some perilous and dangerous sequences and situations.
Language: None
Sex: None
Drugs: None
Parents’ advisory: Appropriate for kids of all ages.
Rated R for strong sexual content, graphic nudity, strong drug content, language and brief violence.
What it’s about: This adaptation of the William S. Burroughs novella follows an American writer in Mexico in the 1950s as he explores his sexual desires and searches for a hallucinatory Amazonian drug in order to experience telepathy.
The kid attractor factor: Not much — this is a drama about sex, drugs and losing yourself.
Good lessons/bad lessons: What you are looking for might not be what you truly desire.
Violence: Some perilous situations, surreal violent scenes.
Language: Swearing throughout.
Sex: Graphic sex scenes and male and female full-frontal nudity.
Drugs: Explicit drug use throughout including heroin and ayahuasca.
Parents’ advisory: Too mature for kids. OK for older teens only.
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