Family guide to new movie releases
Published in Parenting News
Rated PG for mild action and thematic elements.
What it’s about: An adaptation of the Crockett Jensen children's book about a boy and his crayon — now an adult navigating the real world.
The kid attractor factor: I suppose this is for kids, despite mostly starring adults with adult problems (bad job, unrequited crush, etc.).
Good lessons/bad lessons: Create your own world with your imagination (there are some downsides).
Violence: Some perilous situations but no real violence.
Language: None
Sex: A weirdly amorous librarian and fantasy author.
Drugs: None
Parents’ advisory: Appropriate for kids of most ages.
No MPA rating but some sexuality and violence.
What it’s about: A new chef foments a rebellion at the palatial country house of a progressive journalist hiding out from the 1918 influenza pandemic.
The kid attractor factor: Not much, this is more of an adult class satire.
Good lessons/bad lessons: Always treat the staff with care and respect.
Violence: Some shooting and bloody images.
Language: Some swearing.
Sex: Allusions to sex and some kissing and foreplay. No nudity.
Drugs: Smoking and drinking. A mushroom poisoning.
Parents’ advisory: Too mature for kids but fine for teens.
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