


The God Squad: More questions from Ms. Pepitone’s theology class

Rabbi Marc Gellman, Tribune Content Agency on

A: Try this: Consider every sin committed against you to be a minor sin and every sin you commit against others to be a major sin.

Q: From J: Dear Rabbi Gellman, I was wondering, how do you know if you've been forgiven? Is it a feeling that comes up suddenly? Thank you.

A: You know if you have been forgiven if you don’t do the bad thing ever again.

Q: From B: Dear Rabbi Gellman, when you are in a tough spot in your life and you feel like God is not there for you or near you, how do you stay faithful without having doubts? Thank you!

A: Abraham, Jacob, Moses, most of the prophets and Jesus all had doubts. Doubts are not the enemy of faith. They are the proof that you still care about your faith. Live through your doubts and some day you will live yourself into the answers. People with no doubts about anything are creepy.

Q: From B: When and where is the best time and place to pray? Thank you!


A: Anywhere. Anytime.

Q: From E: How do you know if you are making a good choice that aligns with God's teachings and principles? Thank you!

A: If your choice brings hope or healing, it is a good choice.

Q: From E: Dear Rabbi Gellman, I pray every night, and recently I bought myself a prayer box. Do you think I should continue to write in the box? Will God hear my prayers if I write them down? I think your messages are very important for people to hear. You give signs of faith and teach the good word of God. Thank you.


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