


Isn’t God perfect in all He does?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I believe a false teaching is circulating among evangelical churches that we are to forgive God. Isn’t it the other way around – that we should pray for God to forgive us as He has forgiven our sin? If we say we should forgive God, doesn’t that imply that He has done something wrong? Isn’t God perfect in all He does? – F.G.

A: It isn’t God who needs forgiving but rather man to be forgiven by God. The world is in need of moral leadership that teaches the difference between right and wrong and teaches us to forgive one another even as we are forgiven by our Father in Heaven who has the authority to forgive and strengthen us to forgive others.

Resentment builds up within us when we resist God’s will for our lives. Christians who are strong in faith grow as they accept whatever God allows to enter our lives. We are to bow to His good and perfect will and become more mature. To resent and resist God’s disciplining hand is to miss one of the greatest spiritual blessings we Christians can realize this side of Heaven.

Whatever it is – aggravations, trouble, adversity, and irritations – until we have discovered that God’s grace is sufficient for every test, we remain discouraged. Hebrews 12:11 tells us that no discipline seems pleasant at the time; it is painful. But later on, it produces a harvest of peace for those who have been trained by it.


True Christian victory does not lie along the path of mere resignation. Instead, the growing Christian sees that though God may wound us (or allow us to be wounded), His hand also heals. This should bring great comfort to the heart.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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