


How can anyone truly believe a fun Hell could exist?

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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: A website propagating that Hell is a fun place claimed that it would be filled with hilarity, laughter, and satisfying every desire without any guilt. How can anyone truly believe that such a Hell could exist? -- H.B.

A: Hell has been cloaked in folklore and disguised in fiction for so long that many people have convinced themselves that Hell is a fairytale. The information highway has created discussion boards with no end. One blog took on the subject of Heaven and Hell. As people weighed in, the discussion became a vicious cycle. Finally one commenter typed in, "Could someone please explain how to avoid Hell?" Another asked, "How do you spell Hell?"

The flippant reply was: Hoping Evil Lives Long.

But the Bible describes it this way:

Hopelessly Everlasting Literally Loveless.


Many do not believe the Bible's description of hellfire and brimstone. Jesus spoke more about Hell than Heaven. Why? Because of His great compassion for souls. He gave His life to spare the human race the agony, torment, and gruesome reality that Hell is reserved for those who reject Christ. Why would anyone choose this road to Hell?

Books and articles have been written denying the doctrine of Hell -- some have been bestsellers because they teach views of Hell and Biblical descriptions as symbolism. Such misleading teachings make people feel more comfortable and take the worry out of what happens after death. But such people will never be able to hold the writers accountable for pointing them down the wrong road when they arrive in the very real destination the Bible describes.

We can be rescued from Hell only on this side of life, not in the afterlife. Oh, that people would come to Christ and realize the hope of Heaven.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)




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