


How can I decide what to do?

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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I'll be graduating from college shortly, and I don't have any idea what I'll be doing. I guess I've spent too much time enjoying myself, and I've never developed any career goals. How can I decide what to do? -- J.McD.

A: The most important advice I can give you, or anyone else in your situation, is to seek God's will for your future. Let your prayer be that of the Psalmist: "Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life" (Psalm 143:8).

You see, you aren't here by chance; God created you and put you here. And He put you here for a reason: to discover His will for your life -- and then to do it. Furthermore, God knows all about you (since He made you); He knows your abilities and interests, and He knows both what you can and cannot do. Why not seek His will?

Sometimes people think that God's will must be joyless and burdensome. But that's not true; in fact, the opposite is the case. Life's greatest joy comes from knowing you are in His hands, and that you are part of His eternal plan. No person and no ability is insignificant in His eyes.


How do you discover God's will? First, if you have never done so, by faith turn to Jesus Christ and put your life into His hands. It's the first step God wants you to take. Then pray about your future, asking God to show you the next step He has for you. He may not show you the whole roadmap -- but He will show you the next step. In addition, seek advice from others, and pursue any opportunities that seem open to you (even if they're only temporary). Then step out in faith, trusting God to guide your steps.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)




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