


Lori Borgman: When collectors and cleaners collide

Lori Borgman, Tribune News Service on

Published in Lifestyles

I say that I am married to a collector because pack rat sounds unkind. My husband comes from a long line of collectors.

When they closed out the farmhouse his father lived in all his life, the lead auctioneer kicked off the three-ring, two-day auction under the main tent bellowing, "Ladies and gentlemen! The same family has lived in this house for 103 years! As near as we can tell, they never threw a thing away!"

Nailed it.

Naturally, I was raised in a family of the other extreme. If you dropped your napkin on the floor at dinner, by the time you bent over, picked it up and sat back up, your dinner plate could be gone, scraped, washed, dried and put away.

My philosophy is that there is a place for everything and everything has a place -- and it better well be there.

My husband says he is married to a woman who is highly organized and efficiency-driven because extremist sounds unkind.

Being it is the start of a new year and fresh starts, I gently broach the matter of thinning out our every-growing accumulation of clutter -- I mean treasures -- by mentioning the Swedish Death Cleaning method.

My voice is soft and calming and the giant box of construction-grade trash bags is hidden behind my back. I explain that the idea is to remove the burden of decluttering so after you've moved on (and I don't mean to a store-n-lock), only the essentials have been left behind for your loved ones.

He says that's fine for people who are Swedish, but he's not Swedish.

I say I'm not Swedish either, but Swedish or non-Swedish, we all face death and then our kids will face our collections of clutter.


Typically, this is when he experiences a bout of sudden hearing loss. This occurs frequently when you've been married as long as we have.

A few days later, I casually mention the Four Box Method where you take four boxes, label one "keep," the others "throw away," "donate" and "sell," and divide your goods accordingly. It is touted as a good method for when you don't have a lot of time.

He says he can slash the time on the Four Box Method by knocking those four boxes down to one: "keep."

I then suggest the 12-12-12 Challenge. You declutter by identifying 12 items to donate, 12 items to throw away and 12 more that need to remain in the home.

He says he has already identified the things that need to remain in the home: everything.

I am digging through papers in our safe deposit box, the bulk of which are expired home and auto insurance policies. I ask why we need to keep policies no longer in force. He says he needs them so he can compare the rates from year to year.

I tell him I can give him comparison rates for this year, the next year and every year after that: Every single policy will be more expensive than the year before.

He acts like he's not impressed, but I see him chuckle in the reflection of an old mirror as I drop it a box marked "donate."

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