Life Advice



Ask Amy: Readers criticize recent column; Amy responds

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Additionally, I assumed that it is common knowledge that mushrooms can be poisonous and even deadly – and the large reader response reflecting how dangerous this was seems to confirm my faith in this common knowledge.

To repeat: DO NOT EVER INGEST FORAGED MUSHROOMS, ON THEIR OWN OR COOKED INTO FOOD. Even a small amount can be extremely dangerous.

In my opinion, where I really missed the mark in my response was where I suggested ways that Avoiding Amanita might somehow get beyond this incident, which was caused by disrespectful and irresponsible “friends.”

Upon reflection, I believe that this man now has two things to avoid: Amanita … and these friends.

I thank everyone for their emphatic concern.

Dear Amy: Responding to the question from “Open Minded Daughter,” and as the parent of donor conceived children, may I recommend that donor conceived people reach out to the Donor Sibling Registry?


There’s so much more to say (or write) that would be helpful for donor conceived people and the parents of donor conceived people who might or might not have shared this information with their children.

Directing them to this resource would be a great start.

– Channing

Dear Channing: Thank you. I have heard from many people responding to this letter, where “Open Minded Daughter,” an adult, had recently learned through DNA testing that she was conceived through donor sperm.


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