Life Advice



Ask Amy: Gift-giving creates problem, tough to unwrap

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: I was raised in a religion that did not celebrate birthdays and most holidays.

In my early 20s I left that religion and do not practice any religion now.

As a kid I did wish I could celebrate Halloween and Christmas, but my family made up for it in other ways. We went on vacations and had plenty of toys and gifts.

My issue now is with the excessiveness I find in holidays and birthdays. When I celebrate these with family, I watch the kids tear through gift after gift, not even looking at each one.

I have 14 nieces and nephews, so it gets very expensive.

Besides Christmas, there is a never-ending cycle of holidays to buy for. It's exhausting.


It seems like such a waste of money to give people things they don't even end up liking.

If I had kids of my own, would I feel the same way? I know that part of the issue is that I don't have childhood memories that make these occasions special.

I can't stop buying gifts because I'll seem like a Scrooge, but seriously, our culture is beyond materialistic! Plus, I feel like I never have money for myself after buying for everyone else.

My husband grew up in a family that took part in all of this, so not participating is not an option.


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