Life Advice



Ask Amy: Text messages interfere with couple’s trust

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: I received two college graduation notifications and I am unsure what I should do.

The first is from a friend whose daughter has graduated from a prestigious college.

When she graduated from high school, we attended her graduation party and brought a gift that was personalized, unique, and useful for years to come.

We never received a thank you. I personally picked it out and made sure we received it well before her graduation. When we went to her party, she barely acknowledged us.

I know she may be different four or five years later, but it is still an irritant.

The second graduate is a son of a niece who we have not met since he was a baby, if even that.


We received an announcement of his graduation.

Coincidentally, both grads went to the same college, although they don’t know each other.

My plan is simply to send congratulation cards to each.

Am I being small-minded?


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