Life Advice



Ask Amy: Ex-husband thinks it’s time to apologize

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

She always says she has plans.

She won't come to my place or stay over because she says now that she has anxiety if she’s away from home, although she still hangs out with family/friends several times a week, and as far as I can tell she continues to be active.

I can't help feeling like she's phasing me out of her life and doesn't want to be in a relationship with me anymore.

When I ask her if there's anything wrong between us, she says everything is fine.

She doesn't acknowledge my feelings or seem concerned that I see something wrong. She insisted that I'm overthinking things and that maybe it would be good for me to get some therapy.

I'm not sure what I should do.


– Worried

Dear Worried: This change in your relationship may be related to “Iris’s” decision to stop drinking.

Either she has stopped, and being with you is a trigger for her – or she has possibly resumed drinking and doesn’t want you to know.

(Her choice could also be a result of another issue.)


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