Life Advice



Ask Amy: Husband’s Twitter profile leaves wife stumped

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

So, in that sense, your husband is right: These people are truly “random.”

Many people create “voices” on social media that might be unfamiliar to family members. It is a great space to try out jokes, express opinions, or bring up matters that might surprise people who know you personally.

The “randomness” of the connection makes it seem like a safe space to create a version of yourself that is more assured than the flawed person people who know you see.

Your husband wants to flirt and to be flirted with.

Now that you have discovered this about him, I hope you can use this episode to encourage him toward more of a connection between the two of you.

Ask him how he would feel if you were flirting or exchanging sexual banter with strangers. Ask if he could bring some of that energy to your marriage.


Dear Amy: I have an etiquette question.

I’ve recently graduated from my local community college (after 27 years of taking classes off and on) with a degree in studio art.

My classes were rather informal, with teachers being called by their first names.

Now that I’ve moved on to a university for my BFA, I was wondering if I should call my teachers “Professor ____.”


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