Life Advice



Ask Amy: Hubby’s holiday responses leave wife wanting

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

– Neighbor

Dear Neighbor: Using this dad’s sideways logic, if you engage one child to help you with yard work, you would be obligated to hire all of his children.

This sort of “participation trophy” parenting might create problems for his kids down the line, but that is not your business.

Reading beneath his unfriendly gesture, you should assume that he does not want his children to help you.

If you decide to try again, you should perhaps agree on a reasonable fee for the work in advance.

Because this father seems to have a firm grip on interactions with his children, you should run this plan past him.

Otherwise, this man’s reaction to your appropriate gesture should inspire no response at all from you.

Dear Amy: I thoroughly enjoyed the letter from “Indeed, Not Sweetie.” I love the fact that he and his buddies enjoy "Driveway Drinks.”

My neighbor and I created "Ladies on the Lawn" several years ago.

It all started when she bought some outdoor chairs and I suggested putting them in the front yard instead of the back. We would yell for neighbors passing by to grab a drink and come over for a chat.


We now have up to seven gals, and we spend an hour or two chatting before dinner.

They are now truly friends.

This was particularly great during the warmer months of the pandemic. We still could safely socialize outside and enjoy the much-needed comradery.

– Ladies on The Lawn, from Ramsey NJ

Dear Ladies: Where I live, we call this “porch visiting.”

Too many of us live in the bubbles of our backyards. I LOVE your idea.


(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)

©2021 Amy Dickinson. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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