Life Advice



Ask Amy: Don’t dwell with dad of layabout daughters

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

You moved in with a man whose household was already intact. This is his house. These are his layabout children (he taught this and tolerates it). You are, essentially, a COVID houseguest, and as such (chore chart or not), you don’t get to dictate how this household runs.

You laid down your nonnegotiable early on and you moved in with him anyway, even though you had no evidence that the household dynamic was suitable for you. Now you know that it is not.

Stop arguing about this. Your guy is unwilling to insist that his daughters do anything differently. Perhaps they will eventually move out (although given their ages and the current situation, that probably will not happen anytime soon).

However, you can move out now and continue to date your guy, without the pressure of feeling so unhappy about his failings as a father.

Dear Amy: My husband of 23 years just passed away.

He had been divorced for 26 years. His former wife, “Shelly,” walked out on him and their two children.


Now that he is gone, Shelly is coming by and asking for items from our home that she says were hers and that my husband would not give to her.

I have told her that this should have been handled at the time of the divorce.

She insists that he wouldn’t give these items to her. The things are petty, but I don’t think that I’m obligated to give her anything.

When they got divorced she didn’t contest it; she didn’t even have a lawyer. My husband handled everything.


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