Life Advice



Ask Amy: An in-law loan goes bad

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Should I say something to one of the ladies? Thoughts?

-- Salty Situation

Dear Salty: Because you are already being excluded, you don't have much to lose by inquiring about what factors might have led up to it.

I believe the chances of you receiving a straight answer are fairly small, but judicious honesty would open up a conversation -- and give you the opportunity you deserve to express yourself. You should email or call the person in this group you are closest to. Say, "I realize this is awkward, but I'm hoping you can explain why I'm no longer included in the group reunion. I really miss this gathering, and if there is a problem, I'd like the opportunity to try to clear it up."

Dear Amy: I'd like to add my voice to other readers who were charmed by your recent column, entirely devoted to testimonials from adults about their stuffed animals! Given all the uncertainty we are all currently experiencing, this column brought tears to my eyes!


Trying to Stay Calm

Dear Trying: Me, too. But remember -- those of us who no longer have our stuffed animals, still have each other.

(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)




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