Life Advice



Ask Amy: Granny is too busy to babysit

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Why should your mother help you to grow your business on your schedule, when she has her own business to tend to? As a realtor, she may have to show properties on a varied schedule, which could conflict with a regular babysitting commitment.

You seem to believe that your mother owes you regular childcare. She does not. I'm taking it as a given that she already provided you with many years of childcare -- when you were a child and up to the time you left home.

Your mother seems to spend plenty of time with her various grandchildren. You only have one household to tend to, while her commitments are not only to you, but to your siblings and their families, as well.

Perhaps you should enroll your son in a daily pre-school program. Or maybe you and your sister could trade childcare for each other (you take her kids one day and she takes your son one day). This would yield you one more workday each week.

When you make a request and keep hearing the same answer, you should either stop asking, or ask a different question.

Dear Amy: My friend's husband asked me what my new son-in-law's profession is.


When I described his job at a nonprofit, this buffoon said, "Oh, not a doctor or a lawyer...?" and laughed.

I was speechless and cannot look at this man without a feeling of disgust and an inner eye roll.

What response should I have given?

-- Appalled


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