Life Advice



Café waiter is stung by online reviews

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

(My perspective on this is based on the fact that in many decades in many different homes, no tradesperson has ever asked me what I do for a living.)

If you don't want to supply any information at all, you could respond: "Oh, I do this and that." "I'm a freelancer," or, "I'm between gigs."

You could also respond to this question by saying, "Oh, why do you ask?" The answer might be: "Well, your home is so gorgeous. I wondered if you are a designer taking clients."

Dear Amy: I am so tired of your PC nonsense, I could scream.

"Not (Usually) a Hothead" wrote about calling an in-law a "racist ... moron" and storming out of the house because the relative suggested a political theory.

And you agreed with the jerk who openly abused this family member!


-- Disgusted

Dear Disgusted: You are incorrect. I called out both the "birther" conspiracy theory this in-law spouted, as well as the "Hothead," who verbally abused him before storming out. Both were wrong.


(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)




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