Life Advice



Elderly mother caught in a lie

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

You might approach this by assuming she is going to have a problem with it -- and her problem is something you're going to have to tolerate so you can get through this together.

No, I don't think you should preach to her about climate change and third-party accountability, partly because it makes you seem snobbish and insufferable.

Tell her, "We are being really strict about the things we bring into the house. We'd like you to cut down your giving to two pieces of clothing and two small toys. Can you help us with that?"

You could also take her to your favorite resale shop and/or give her a catalogue from a company making clothing you consider acceptable.

Dear Amy: No, no, no. "Upset Family" wrote that their kid had used a racist epithet at school. You blamed them!

Parents are not responsible for every single thing their kids do.


Shame on you.

-- Disgusted

Dear Disgusted: "Upset Family" reported that their young child had learned this word at home. So, yes; this renders them responsible for his taking the word out into the world.


(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)




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