Life Advice



Aunt wants to ex-out her nephew

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

It sounds as if you have been very specific in terms of your invitations, in that neither spouses nor their children are included.

Please, do not waste time speculating about why your sister-in-law has responded the way she has. Communicate with her: "We have a very specific guest list; this is what your brother wants. I hope your daughter and husband can find something else to do that day. We need to keep the guest list 'as is' -- and are really looking forward to celebrating with you."

This particular sister may decide that she is insulted. She may choose not to attend the luncheon. If so, do not blame yourselves, or feel pressured to change your plans. She has initiated this dust-up. She'll have to cope with the consequence.

Dear Amy: "Peeved" was upset because other residents of his condo complex routinely put their garbage into his garbage can.

I had this same problem and the solution was simple: I bought a chain and a padlock and I was able to lock the top down.


I only have to remember to unlock it and remove the chain on collection day.

-- Problem Solved

Dear Solved: And here I am, picturing myself standing in the snow on collection day, having forgotten to unlock the garbage, while the truck proceeds down the street.

(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)




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