Life Advice



Teacher considers housing former student

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Teacher: I applaud your commitment and emotional support to this young man. Transgender youth are at an elevated risk for addiction, suicide and homelessness.

No, your connection does not need to end with graduation. Countless scholars and survivors of challenging home environments describe hero teachers, guidance counselors, coaches and school librarians who opened their hearts, wallets, and occasionally homes when these students had nowhere else to turn.

However, you leap from offering advice to (reluctantly) offering housing. There are so many ways in-between the two extremes where you can support and mentor this former student in order to try to keep him safe as he makes his way in the world.

You should connect him with a social worker locally who can help him to explore what services might be available to him. Make an appointment and attend the meeting with him. has a growing list of resources for transgender people; the Trevor Project ( offers impressive points of contact (including a 24-hour hotline and texting support) directed toward trans youth.

You should use your research skills as a teacher to learn everything you can about the transgender experience. Offer your ongoing friendship and support.


If you believe that offering him housing is the only way to keep him off the streets, then yes -- discuss this with a social worker or counselor with expertise in trans issues, and hold a family meeting and discuss this with your husband and son. You should only do this with your family's full support.

Dear Amy: We are experiencing serious problems with my husband's mother and brother.

Mother has been diagnosed with dementia, and brother is a severe alcoholic. He's on psych medicines, but we have no way to tell if he's taking them.

They have called 14 times today, and it's just barely 10 p.m.


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