Life Advice



Generous friend is overwhelmed by 'gimmes'

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

It is a shame that you are too intimidated by some "awkward" feelings to do the adult thing and contact Benji's mother to see what is going on with him. Benji seems to have poor impulse control; he has trouble reading social cues, empathizing, or perhaps even understanding how his behavior affects his friend. He may be "on the spectrum," or slightly immature -- or reacting to a challenging situation at home.

It is not your responsibility to diagnose, treat or teach this child. But yes, you should at least attempt to notify his mother about what he is doing and how it is affecting the otherwise nice friendship between the two boys.

You should also speak with your son's teacher about this daily pressure. The boys' teacher is in a position to help and guide both children.

Dear Amy: I'm single and in my mid-30s.

Any advice for where to meet guys my age? I've tried speed-dating and online dating in the past but with poor results.

A lot of the guys one meets online are not quality guys with good values and many of them smoke marijuana on a daily basis, which I do not. (I also live in a state where marijuana is illegal).


Do you have any advice on where to meet guys my age that are educated and have good values?

-- Single in the Northeast

Dear Single: If you are lucky enough to live in a community with a cultural center, you could join organizations aligning with your values. Get involved with your library board, your local theater, and museums. This in-person approach to meeting people might be most comfortable for you.

However, the great thing about online matching is that meeting a suitable partner is in part a numbers game. The more people you can virtually "meet" and screen, the more likely you are to find a good match.


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