Life Advice



Parents plan to punish for piercings

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

I factor this limitation into my breakfasts with my friend, but she has literally saved my life (or at least my sanity) numerous times, and maintaining the friendship is important to me.

Is there a way that I can prove to my boyfriend that I value our relationship and take it very seriously, without feeling like I'm completely shafting a friendship that means a lot to me?

-- Wondering Friend

Dear Friend: Your question speaks to me, because (unless I'm traveling) I have been meeting with the same group of women at a local diner for breakfast every Wednesday morning for the last 30 years.

If you are working hard and also have an active domestic life, this breakfast meeting might be the only time you have to put your own life into perspective through telling your story. This weekly experience recharges and refreshes you. It is therapeutic.

According to you, you already make concessions to your boyfriend by truncating your breakfast meetings.

If he is so idle during the summer that he is bothered by you spending 90 minutes or so each week with your friend, then maybe he needs to get busier.


If he questions your right -- and need -- to do this, then you could ask him to choose for you: You can meet with your friend once a week, or enter therapy.

Dear Amy: A reader asked how to respond when offered a dish he doesn't like. My boilerplate response is, "Wow, that's very interesting!" People rarely press for details. It can be applied to situations such as ugly children, pets, recent vacation photos, bizarre clothing, etc. Works for me!

-- Jovial Joe in Or-lan-do

Dear Jovial Joe: I've used this phrase. It has also been used on me. I agree that only a fool would ask for more detail.


(You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: Readers may send postal mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or "like" her on Facebook.)




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