Life Advice



Book club member wants to turn the page

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: Today is the eighth anniversary of my marriage. We are spending it apart.

Two years ago, my husband started putting a body pillow between us in bed, he said, "I don't consider us married anymore." He is not having an affair.

He is very wealthy. We have separate bank accounts.

He has given his adult children millions.

He just gave the house we live in to his youngest son, and is building a new one. He has even made the comment that I should feel privileged to be living in his house, rent free. He refuses to go to marriage counseling. We live in a community property state. There was no prenup.

He is very emotionally abusive and a narcissist, Until I came along no one ever stood up to him. I even had to go out of the county to find an attorney because local people are so intimidated by him.

Call me paranoid, but every night he brings me a drink and I don't dare drink it.

Should I go or stay?

-- Worried


Dear Worried: If you are so afraid of poisoning that you won't accept a drink handed to you by your husband, then that's a pretty heavy clue that it is time to exit, safely, and (ideally) with half of the assets he managed to acquire during the course of your marriage.

A lawyer and a forensic accountant could help you untangle this. Do not stay. Find a way to exit safely.

Dear Amy: "Peter" was a Trump fan and a new hire at a company where they played CNN on the televisions all day long.

Aside from calling him out for being a total snowflake, THANK YOU for suggesting that televisions in businesses should not be turned to cable news!

-- Sick of It

Dear Sick: Yes. This goes for all cable news -- not just a specific channel.


(You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: Readers may send postal mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or "like" her on Facebook.)




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