Life Advice



Stepmother worries about role in new family

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

People don't choose their sexual orientation. Their orientation chooses them. People DO choose how they want to identify themselves within the gender/sexual spectrum.

Your question implies that homosexuals see children as sexual objects. They do not -- any more (and perhaps less often) than heterosexual people do.

Lesbians adopt or give birth to male (and female) children because they want to have and raise children.

Gay men adopt (or father through surrogacy) female (and male) children because they want to have and raise children.

I hope this clears things up for you.

Dear Amy: "Just a Grandma" reminded me a bit of my mom. My mother will complain about anyone knowing anything about any of her children or grandchildren before she does.

I know some people do rudely post publicly before notifying family of important life events, but I think most people still try to make the big things special first in private, then in public. If people aren't sharing things with you it may be because you don't know when to keep it to yourself.


My mother is very active on social media and shares things that are not hers to share. Whether they want that out there or not. It's as if she needs to post to prove to her Facebook friends that she's the matriarch and integrally involved in all our lives.

My siblings and I often keep info about ourselves and our kids to ourselves, or between each other, in order to keep it all from being blabbed on social media.

-- Just a Daughter

Dear Daughter: Public oversharing is a scourge, negatively affecting relationships. One consequence is that it can compel people to become overly cautious.


(You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: Readers may send postal mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or "like" her on Facebook.)




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