Health Advice



Store fresh foods so they last longer

By Betty Gold, on

Published in Health & Fitness

Fact: The United States throws away 150,000 tons of food daily. In addition, the average household wastes about $1,500 worth of food each year.

The good news is that a few simple tricks can help you reduce the amount of fresh food you toss (and benefit the planet and your wallet). This handy guide will help you store fresh foods smarter.


Netting for lemons, oranges and limes is dangerous to sea life and birds, so these types of fruits should always be purchased loose. You can store citrus fruits at room temperature, but once they’re past peak ripeness, putting them in the fridge will help them last longer. If your citrus starts to turn, slice it up and freeze it: Frozen citrus is great as “ice cubes” for drinks.


Wash and dry leafy salad greens in a salad spinner, then wrap them loosely in paper towels and refrigerate in a food-storage container to keep the leaves from going soggy.

Onions and potatoes

To maintain freshness, onions, potatoes and shallots should be stored in a cool, dark place, such as a basket in a cupboard or cellar. Avoid storing this produce in plastic bags, as this encourages spoilage. Once cut, onions should be stored in a resealable bag in the fridge (or store chopped onion in an airtight container in the freezer).



Wash cucumbers as soon as you get them home from the grocery store. Make sure they’re thoroughly dry (as excess water will spoil them), then wrap each in a cloth or towel to prevent sogginess. Store in the fridge in a reusable vegetable bag.

Apples and bananas

If you won’t be eating them immediately, buy bananas when they’re still slightly green and store them away from other fruits. (Bananas release high amounts of ethylene gas which can cause other fruits to go off more quickly.) Consider using a banana hanger or stand to keep them separated and minimize bruising. Apples can be stored in an uncovered fruit bowl on the counter, away from direct sunlight.


A great hack for storing fresh basil and other herbs is to chop the leaves in a food processor, then transfer to an ice cube tray with a little olive oil and store in the freezer. When basil is needed for a dish, just add a ready-made cube.

Meat and fish

Storing meat and fish in containers in the freezer will save money and minimize food waste. Frozen meat should be eaten within three to six months. To keep these products well-organized (first in, first out), use labels to list the date the items were frozen.

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