




Colored Keys

Games / Brain Teasers /

After recent events, Question Mark is annoyed with his brother, Skid Mark. Skid thought it would be funny to hide Question's wallet. He told Question that he would get it back if he finds it. So, first off, Skid laid five colored keys in a row. One of them is a key to a room where Skid is hiding Question's wallet. Using the clues, can you determine the order of the keys and which is the right key?

Red: This key is somewhere to the left of the key to the door.
Blue: This key is not at one of the ends
Green: This key is three spaces away from the key to the door (2 between)
Yellow: This key is next to the key to the door.
Orange: This key is in the middle.

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

This game was won by Dennis Waterman in 1974 out California way in a tournament at the legendary Mechanics Institute in San Francisco.

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Family Tree

Games / Brain Teasers /

I was going through some old family photos in the attic when I stumbled upon our family tree. I studied it for a couple minutes then went back down stairs to tell my mom about the family tree. The problem is I didn't study it long enough to remember the whole thing. I only remembered a couple things about it, and recent memories. Can you help me figure out my family tree? There are two grandparents, who had two children, who both got married and had 2 more children each. Totaling 10 people in all (Alex, David, Jamie, Jessica, John, Justin, Lincoln, Martha, Mary and Tina).

1. One of Jamie's ancestors was David.
2. John's sister gave birth to Tina.
3. Mary went bowling with her...

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Water Jug

Games / Brain Teasers /

You have a four-liter jug and a nine-liter jug. You also have a pool of water.

What is the fewest number of steps it takes to come up with exactly 6 liters of water?

(A step is defined as pouring water into a jug. For instance, filling the four-liter jug and emptying it into the nine-liter jug would be two steps.)

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

A neat endgame win by Ivanchuk.

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Lost and Found

Games / Brain Teasers /

Doria, Libby, Robb, TJ, and Vinny searched the lost and found table. By the time they finished, two gloves (one red, one blue), a blue hat, a striped sweater, and one pair of black sneakers had all made it back to their original owners. Each of the students found one of these missing items.

1. Libby and TJ both found something with red in it.
2. TJ and Doria each found a glove.
3. Vinny was the only one to walk off with something in each hand.

What items did each person find at the lost and found table?

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What Am I?

Games / Brain Teasers /

Decapitate me and all becomes equal. Then truncate me and I become second. Cut me front and back and I become two less than I started.

What am I?

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Naming Rights

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which two people in Group A should be in Group B?

Group A:
Julius Caesar
Phil Jackson
Ambrose Burnside
Jane Austen
Orville Redenbacher

Group B:
Reverend William Spooner
Francois Mansard
Pierre Magnol
Georg Ohm

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

No more castling problems, but I was intrigued with G.F. Anderson’s work with the April 15th puzzle. Here’s one he did with C.C. Palmer. A mate in two.

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English Lesson

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which word in group B belongs in group A?

A) 1. automatic 2. biology 3. thermal.

B) 4. international 5. transport 6. antiwar.

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Bytes and Dollars

Games / Brain Teasers /

Explain how the following equation is true.

byte = dollar

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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

In continuing our theme, here’s a mate in two.

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Missing Word

Games / Brain Teasers /

One word is missing from the list below. Can you figure out the pattern that will tell you what the missing word is?

begin inch chapel elastic ==?== cellar arisen end

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What's Next?

Games / Brain Teasers /

What letters replace the question marks in this series?


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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

If you did Friday’s puzzle, you have a hint on today’s solution. But don’t forget to do your income tax first! It’s a mate in four.

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Which Planets?

Games / Brain Teasers /

Below, we've listed the planets in the Solar System in a different order. According to this order, in which order should the two final planets appear?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Mars, Pluto, ?, ?.

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Which Number?

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which of these numbers does not belong with the others?


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Naming Rights

Games / Brain Teasers /

Amy was pregnant with her 7th child. Everyone was excited. She had named her children Sandy, Adam, Denton, Edward, Dina and Ira, in their order of birth and according to a specific rule. She knows her 7th child will be a girl. Which of the following names is she likely to use, and why?


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White to Play

Games / Chess Puzzles /

Many of you will recognize this Sam Loyd classic. I’m having it do an encore bow so as to give you a hint as to next week’s puzzles.

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Number Sequence

Games / Brain Teasers /

What number should finish this sequence?

23, 14, 19, 6, 20, ?

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Printable Games

Crossword Print
Sudoku Print


Bart van Leeuwen Tom Stiglich Non Sequitur Lee Judge Joel Pett John Cole