


Teen takes nap with prize cow at Iowa State Fair


Published in Weird News

(UPI) An Iowa teen showing his prized cow at the Iowa State Fair was photographed sharing a tender nap-time moment with his bovine buddy.

Jeremy Miner posted a photo to Facebook showing his son, Mitchell, 15, taking a snooze with Audri the cow in her stall at the Iowa State Fair.

Miner said the boy led, bathed, clipped and walked Audri regularly in the weeks leading to the state fair's youth dairy cattle show.

The father said Mitchell had been up since 3 a.m. for three days straight when he snapped the photo on the day of the contest Sunday.


"She likes to lay down quite a bit," Mitchell Miner told the Des Moines Register. She just enjoys my company.

Audri finished the contest in fifth place, the Miners said.

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