


White to Play and Mate the Knight!

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

Yes, there are no kings on the board. Your task here is to checkmate the knight (this week’s puzzles are all about having some playful fun with our game). You checkmate the knight by attacking it so it can’t move away without being captured. Defending the attacked knight is still mate, so you can’t do that. The first move is pretty clear, but the fun starts after that! BTW, there’s a reason that black pawn is on the board.

A composition by D.J. Densmore. For those new to chess, “+” is check and “#” is checkmate: 1. d7-d8=Q Ne1-f3 (1... Ne1-g2 2. Qd8-d4 h5-h4 3. Qd4-f2#) (1... Ne1-c2 2. Qd8-d2+ Nc2-a1 3. Qd2-b2#) (1... h5-h4 2. Qd8-d1+ Ne1-g2 3. Qd1-d2#) 2. Qd8-d5 Nf3-e1 3. Qd5-e4#


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