


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

One more Knight Before Christmas. This time, White is desperate to draw and either prevent the pawn from queening by giving the king a hard time or by taking the pawn when it queens. There is only one first move that starts the drawing process.

A study by A. Cheron from 1924: 1. Nf4 Kd2 2. Ne6 c2 (2... Kd3 3. Nf4+ Ke4 4. Ne2 c2 5. Nc1 Kd4 6. Na2 Kd3 (6... Kc4 7. Nc1 Kc3 8.Ne2+ Kd2 9. Nd4 Kd3 10. Nxc2) 7. Nb4+) 3. Nd4 c1=Q 4. Nb3+ Kc2 5. Nxc1 Drawn. Coal in your stocking for: 1. Ng5 c2 2. Ne4 Kb2 3. Nf2 Kc3 4. Ne4+ Kd3 5. Nc5+ Kc4 or 1. Nf2 c2 2. Ne4 (2. Nd3+ Kd2 3. Nc5 Kc3 4. Ne4+ Kd3 5. Nc5+ Kc4) 2... Kb2 or 1. Ng1 Kd1! 2. Nf3 c2.


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