


White to Play  

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

Today we have a rare case of two tactical chess themes on two consecutive moves.

The game was Cordel-Alexander, 1870: 1. Re3 Bd7 Since Black can't take the rook, he begins a desperate yet futile attempt to protect f6. 2. Re5 From decoy to interference. 2…Bxe5 One other try doesn't work: 2... Raf8 3. Bxf8 Bxe5 4. fxe5 h6 5. Qxf6+ Kh7 6. Qf7+ Kh8 7. Be7 Rg7 8. Bf6 Be8 9. Qxg7# 3. fxe5 Raf8 4. exf6 and Black resigned as it's mate in three. For example: Bf5 (4... Rd8 5. Bg7+ Rxg7 6. Qxg7#) 5. Bg7+ Rxg7 6. Qxg7#


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