


Black to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

One of the great endgame finishes of all time! Shirov as Black is facing a bishops of opposite color endgame where White (Topalov) has excellent chances to draw. However, Shirov comes up with a way to not worry about the opposite colored bishops!

A marvelous conception: 1...Bh3 (no more opposite colored bishops!) 2.gxh3 (the point being that the White h-pawns are now stopped by what will be a remaining Black g-pawn) Kf5 3.Kf2 Ke4 4.Bxf6 d4 (the point of all this—the bishop is now cut off) 5.Be7 Kd3 6.Bc5 Kc4 7.Be7 Kb3 and a pawn will promote.


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