


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

Today’s puzzle is taken from a supposed blitz game between Lasker and Capablanca. I’ve seen two versions of who had White! Anyhow, it’s a fun “to play and win” position.


This is really a king and pawn ending. White saw the resultant king and pawn win and went right for it. Very clever. You always have to be alert to these possibilities: 1.Ra8+ Nxa8 [1...Kxa8 2.Kxc7 Ka7 3.Kc6 Ka8 4.Kxb6 Kb8 5.Ka6 Ka8 6.b6 Kb8 7.b7 Kc7 8.Ka7 with an easy win as in the main line:] 2.Kc8 Nc7 3.Kxc7 Ka8 4.Kxb6 Kb8 5.Ka6 Ka8 6.b6 Kb8 7.b7


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