


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

Finding this position while rummaging for a good grandmaster kingside attack was a pleasant surprise for me, personally. I’ve known GM John Fedorowicz since he was a promising young teenager. John fulfilled his promise when he won the World Open many years ago and has had many memorable games and tournament successes. When we had dinner last September, he was still the same affable, engaging personality he always was. John is truly one of the good guys of chess. However, he attacks like Attila the Hun, but still carries it out with a certain casual flair. See if you can see his whole plan.


Against Jackelen at Porz in 1988, John finished his opponent off this way: 1.Bxg6! hxg6 2.Rxg6+ Rg7 3.Rxg7+ Kxg7 4.0–0–0 (a terrific lesson for amateurs: he blew the king position open so well that he had time to take a casual break to castle and Black was helpless to stop him. That’s worth remembering because some people might have castled first, losing the most effective way of continuing the attack as Black would prepare a defense with Rg7 and Be8, protecting the g6 point.)4… Bf8 5.Ng5 and mate is unstoppable. Any other 4th move would have led to mate as well.


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