What do Americans think of Joe Biden pardoning his son? Here's what a new poll found
Published in News & Features
President Joe Biden’s decision to pardon his son Hunter Biden was deeply unpopular, new polling reveals. However, a pardon granted by his predecessor — and now-successor — was just as disliked.
In a recent YouGov poll, 50% of respondents said they strongly or somewhat disapproved of Biden granting clemency to his son. A much smaller share, 34%, strongly or somewhat approved, while 16% were not sure.
The responses were divided along partisan lines, with 64% of Democrats saying they approved, with just 25% of independents and 13% of Republicans saying the same.
The poll, which sampled 3,583 U.S. adults, was conducted on Dec. 2, the day after the president granted Hunter Biden a “full and unconditional” pardon for any federal crimes committed in the last decade.
Hunter Biden had previously pleaded guilty to tax evasion and felony charges related to his purchase of a handgun. The president argued that his son was “selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted.”
The poll also asked respondents to weigh in on President-elect Donald Trump’s decision to pardon Charles Kushner, his son-in-law’s father, during his first term.
On Dec. 23, 2020, Trump issued a full pardon for Kushner, who had been convicted of witness retaliation and making false tax returns, among other things. He left prison in 2006 after serving a two-year sentence.
Kushner’s “record of reform and charity overshadows” his conviction, the White House said at the time in a statement.
Fifty percent of respondents said they strongly or somewhat disapproved of Trump’s decision to pardon Kushner. Meanwhile, 22% said they strongly or somewhat approved, and 28% said they were not sure.
The responses were similarly split along partisan lines, with 39% of Republicans, 17% of independents and 14% of Democrats saying they approved.
A separate YouGov poll, conducted on Dec. 3, asked respondents to weigh in on Biden and Trump’s use of pardons more broadly.
Thirty-nine percent said they believed Biden’s pardons or commutations have been inappropriate, while 32% said they were appropriate and 28% said they weren’t sure.
The responses were similar for Trump, according to the poll, which sampled 5,147 U.S. adults.
Forty percent said they believed the president-elect’s acts of clemency during his first term have been inappropriate. Meanwhile, 30% said they were appropriate and 30% said they were not sure.
Lastly, the poll asked respondents whether they generally favored allowing the president to issue pardons or commute sentences.
A majority, 57%, said they strongly or somewhat approved of the president holding this constitutional power, while 28% said they strongly or somewhat disapproved. Fifteen percent said they were not sure.
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