From the Left



Police brutality can't be fixed by African-American self-improvement

By Leonard Pitts Jr., Tribune Content Agency on

Maybe some people didn't understand the question.

It was posed in this space a few weeks ago by Tracy, a self-described 55-year-old white woman from Texas who is sick and tired of the mounting litany of police violence against unarmed African-American boys and men. She wanted to know what actions she, as an average person, might take to help bring about change. "What can I do?" she asked.

I thought the question so powerful and poignant that I decided to devote a series of columns to answering it. I invited readers to offer answers of their own.

It will be sometime deep in summer before I finish digging out from under the 700-plus emails that poured in as a result. Many brought intriguing and creative suggestions -- civilian review boards, policy changes, body cams -- that we'll discuss in future columns. But many other readers thought the answer lay with black people improving their behavior.

One, for instance, decried a "breakdown of the black family."

Another wrote, "Always obey, no matter what, a police officer."


Still another advised: "Stop fornicating. Live a conservative lifestyle."

Coincidentally enough, as I was reading these emails, police in Dover, Delaware, were releasing dashcam video of a 2013 incident in which Cpl. Thomas Webster, responding to a call of a fight at a gas station, rolls up on Lateef Dickerson, who is standing there with his hands raised. Webster orders him to the ground. As Dickerson, a 30-year-old black man, is complying, Webster kicks him in the face, breaking his jaw and knocking him unconscious.

That damning video notwithstanding, a grand jury initially declined to indict Webster and he returned to duty. Only this month did a second jury finally indict him on felony assault charges.

So I wrote to some of my correspondents asking them to explain how experiences such as these reflect the breakdown of the black family. Obey the police? That's what Dickerson was doing when he was kicked. And how, one wonders, would sexual prudence or tea party membership have saved him from having his jaw stove in?


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