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The Cockroach of the Internet

Jul 03, 2014

"Email is a 40-year-old technology that is not going away for very good reasons - it's the cockroach of the Internet."

So says David Carr of the New York Times in his June 29, 2014 Media column entitled, "For Email Newsletters, a Death Greatly Exaggerated". The article is actually very complimentary to email and its impact on our technology-driven world. We've been hearing for years that email will go away, replaced by newer and hipper technologies like RSS, SMS, Facebook apps, mobile, mobile apps, social media, etc.

In particular, Carr highlights the popularity of email newsletters, the backbone of our business here at ArcaMax. With so many reading choices available now online, newsletters give readers the ability to zero in on the subjects that interest them, sent regularly from a trusted source.

The article is worth the time. You can read it here.

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