


Today's Word "Enjoin"

To force or compel someone to take an action or cease in some action. on

Published in Vocabulary

enjoin \en-JOYN\ (verb) - 1 : To force or compel someone to take an action or cease in some action, usually with a court order or "injunction" (to enjoin someone to act/from acting). 2 : To forbid or prevent by legal action (to enjoin any public activity).

"The Republican Party asked the Florida courts to enjoin the election boards of four counties from counting votes by hand."


From Latin iniungere, in- causative prefix + iungere "to join." The prefix is akin to the English "in" in, well, "in," and "income," "input," etc. The stem, iung- derives from Indo-European yeug- which also gave English "yoke" and Sanskrit yogah "union" from which "yoga" was borrowed.


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