


Today's Word "derogate"

To deviate from what is expected on

Published in Vocabulary

derogate \DER-uh-gayt\ (intransitive verb) - 1 : To deviate from what is expected. 2 : To take away; to detract; -- usually with 'from'.

(transitive verb) - 1 : To disparage or belittle; to denigrate.

"According to Sean, there had been a blatant attempt to distort the impact of his leadership during and to derogate or deny his accomplishments. However, to everyone elses mind, he was simply a lousy boss."


Derogate comes from the past participle of Latin derogare, "to propose to repeal part of a law, to diminish," from de-, "away from" + rogare, "to ask, to ask the people about a law."


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