


Today's Word "avatar"

An embodiment on

Published in Vocabulary

avatar \AV-uh-tar\ (noun) - 1 : The incarnation of a deity -- chiefly associated in Hinduism with the incarnations of Vishnu. 2 : An embodiment, as of a quality, concept, philosophy, or tradition; an archetype. 3 : A temporary manifestation or aspect of a continuing entity.

"While presenting himself as simply a new manager, everyone knew that Hank was there as an avatar for the company bigwigs and would act as a hatchet man should the need arise."


Avatar is from Sanskrit avatara, "descent" (of a deity from heaven), from avatarati, "he descends," from ava-, "down" + tarati, "he crosses, he passes over."


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Zits Fowl Language BC Clay Bennett Cathy Dave Whamond