


Today's Word "Misandry"


Published in Vocabulary

misandry \mis-AEN-dri\ (noun) - The hatred of men, of the male sex, man-hating.

"Jennifer was quick to point out how it was important not to misconstrue the thrust of Feminism as any kind of misandry."


From Greek misandros "man-hating," based on misos "hatred" + aner, andros "man, adult male." The Greek word is akin to Albanian njeri and na, nar- "man, person." Armenian air, arn "man, person" also descends from the same Proto-Indo-European root. The root of this word also took on a suffix which led to Greek anthropos "man, human, person," found in "anthropology" and "misanthropy," mentioned above. However, this last word was used to refer to "man" in the generic sense of a person of either sex.


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