


Other Notable Events, April 6


Published in History & Quotes

In 1814, Napoleon was exiled to Elba.

In 1830, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was founded in a log cabin in Fayette, N.Y.

In 1851, Portland, Ore., was founded.

In 1868, Mormon Church leader Brigham Young married his 27th, and last, wife.

In 1896, the first modern Olympics formally opened at Athens, Greece. The Olympics had last been staged 1,500 years earlier.

In 1909, Robert E. Peary and Matthew Henson reached the North Pole.


In 1917, the United States declared war on Germany, propelling America into World War I.

In 1938, Du Pont researchers Roy Plunkett and Jack Rebok created the chemical compound that was later marketed as Teflon.

In 1947, the first Tony Awards, honoring distinguished work in the theater, were presented in New York City.

In 1968, federal troops and National Guardsmen were deployed in Chicago, Washington and Detroit as rioting continued over the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.


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