


Other Notable Events, December 11


Published in History & Quotes

In 1789, the North Carolina legislature chartered the University of North Carolina.

In 1816, Indiana joined the United States as its 19th state.

In 1941, four days after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.

In 1946, UNICEF was established.

In 1951, Joe DiMaggio announced his retirement from baseball.

In 1953, Alaska's first TV station signed on the air.


In 1972, Apollo 17 landed on the moon; the last Apollo mission to the moon.

In 1983, 30,000 women tried to rip down fences around a U.S. cruise missile base at Greenham Common, England.

In 1984, a nativity scene was displayed near the White House for the first time since courts ordered it removed in 1973.

In 1993, Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle of the ruling center-left Coalition of Parties for Democracy won Chile's presidential election.


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