


Notable Birthdays for December 28


Published in History & Quotes

Those born on this date include:

- Woodrow Wilson, 28th president of the United States, in 1856
- Gen. Billy Mitchell, father of the U.S. Air Force, in 1879
- Jazz pianist Earl Fatha Hines in 1903
- Actors Lew Ayres in 1908, Martin Milner in 1931 (age 81), Maggie Smith in 1934 (age 78) and Denzel Washington in 1954 (age 58)
- Rock musician Edgar Winter in 1946 (age 66)
- Chinese activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo in 1955 (age 57)
- Singer John Legend in 1978 (age 34) and comic book writer and character creator Stan Lee in 1922 (age 90).


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