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One for the Table: Quinoa dish packs a nutritious punch

By Joseph Erdos on

I first heard of quinoa many years ago from a friend who was diagnosed with wheat sensitivity. Quinoa, which is the seed of a flowering plant, is related to spinach and beets. It is not a grain, but is treated like one in recipes, and it is suitable for those who suffer from celiac disease and maintain a gluten-free diet.

The pseudocereal, as it is officially termed, originates from the Andean region of South America. It was considered sacred in Incan society, second in importance to the potato, and followed by corn. What makes quinoa so special is that it is a complete protein with a full set of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. That said, it is important to vegetarians and vegans

Quinoa can be used in many ways and is available in different forms, including flour, flakes and the whole seed. The flakes can be eaten like oatmeal or, when combined with flour, baked into cookies, quick breads, pancakes and waffles. Whole quinoa comes in a few colors, but only two are commonly available in the U.S.: white and red, of which the red has more fiber. Whole quinoa can be cooked and eaten like rice and made into pilafs or stir-frys.

To prepare quinoa, wash the seeds in a sieve under running water or in a bowl in a few changes of water. The reason why is to remove a naturally occurring compound that causes the seeds to taste bitter but serves as a natural deterrent from birds who would otherwise destroy crops. Most commercially sold quinoa is prewashed of this film.

Quinoa cooks very quickly: Simmer it in double the amount water or stock for about 15 minutes. You know it's cooked when the curlicue emerges from the seed. It has a nutty flavor and slightly chewy texture, not unlike rice. Try this nutritionally rich food whether on a diet or just to try something new. Even the health food cynic will appreciate the uniqueness of quinoa.


Red Quinoa with Roasted Butternut Squash, Dried Cranberries and Pumpkin Seeds

Serves 4 to 6 as a main dish or 6 to 8 as a side

1 medium butternut squash, peeled, seeds removed, and cubed

1 large red onion, sliced lengthwise into half moons


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